Galveston Wharves Updates Master Plan for Growth – Cruise Industry News
Galveston Wharves is updating its 20-Year Strategic Master Plan to support anticipated growth in its cruise, cargo and commercial operations, according to a press release.
Rodger Rees, Galveston Wharves port director and CEO, highlighted that the update will focus on addressing traffic management as the port grows.
“A big focus in the master plan update also will be how we can continue to efficiently manage traffic on and around Harborside Drive as our cruise, cargo and commercial businesses grow,” said Rees.
First adopted in 2019, the current plan includes the development of a 2.25-mile-long internal roadway, additional cueing lanes at cruise terminals and on-site parking garages. These measures have already yielded positive results.
Rees also noted ongoing improvements to Cruise Terminals 25 and 28, the port’s first two cruise terminals.
“We continue to make infrastructure improvements at cruise terminals 25 and 28, the port’s first two cruise terminals. We’re adding more cueing lanes in the terminal area to move traffic off Harborside on cruise days to reduce congestion.”
In the coming weeks, port staff will use data from Waze for Cities to compare traffic patterns on cruise days and non-cruise days to better understand the impacts. This data will help port staff and master plan consultants design long-term infrastructure and traffic management solutions.
“Safety is another port priority,” added Rees. “We’ll present the results of a federally funded Safe Streets study to improve vehicle and pedestrian safety at our Wharves Board of Trustees meeting on March 4. The next step will be to seek grant funding to implement the recommendations.”
The updated master plan will assess what has been accomplished so far and establish a foundation for continued growth based on updated cruise and cargo projections as well as port and community objectives.
“Much has changed in the last five years. For example, the cruise business is growing faster than forecast, construction costs continue to rise, and we’ve received state funding to jump-start cargo expansion. We also want the updated plan to consider locations for the USS Texas, public areas on the waterfront and safely connecting the port’s waterfront commercial areas to downtown.”
Rees stated that the revised plan will address several key projects, including improvements to docks and wharfs, development opportunities for port land on Pelican Island, drainage upgrades and the creation of a public boardwalk. Master plan consultants will review these projects, update cost estimates and explore new opportunities. Additionally, consultants will host workshops and public meetings to collect feedback from Wharves Board members, port partners, and the community.
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